How to Prepare Your Yard for the Summer Season

With the summer season comes the maintenance and change of your yard and landscaping. It’s no secret that we spend more time outside during the summer. Why not enjoy your outdoor oasis to its fullest potential? Check out these steps to prepare your yard and landscaping for the summer.

Step 1: Clean Up

Cleaning is always a great start to any project. Ensure your yard has a fresh and pristine look by:

  • Pulling weeds
  • Trimming bushes and shrubs
  • Picking up any yard or pet waste
  • Throwing out old hoses, plant pots, and other unnecessary yard items
  • Sweeping and spraying off the patio

Step 2: Mow and Fertilize Your Grass

We are all envious of that neighbor with the perfectly green-trimmed lawn. You can have it, too! Lawn fertilizer has multiple benefits, including helping your grass stay healthy, promoting growth, supporting recovery from pests, animals, and humans, and supplying commonly lost nutrients. Make sure to mow your lawn before fertilizing, as it allows the fertilizer to reach the soil and be absorbed by the roots.

Step 3: Plant Some Color

Adding color to your backyard is a great way to brighten the outdoor atmosphere and add to the summer aesthetic. Although late fall through spring is the ideal time for planting flowers, you can still plant in the summer, but you should keep these tips in mind:

  • Water frequently (dependent upon the type of flower)
  • Plant and water early in the morning or late at night
  • Consider your environment and climate when choosing what flower to plant

Step 4: Water Your Yard Frequently

Keeping your lawn and plants watered during the summer is essential for the quality of your yard. Consider investing in an automatic sprinkler system to keep up with summer watering. Sprinklers can help with a greener lawn, are less time-consuming, and keep you and the kiddos cool while working or playing outside. To avoid wasting water, the best time to run your sprinkler system is in the early morning hours between 6 a.m. and 10 a.m.

Step 5: Decorate with Outdoor Materials

Adding a variety of outdoor materials, such as bark, mulch, and rocks, can create a cohesive, clean-looking design that also benefits your plants! Mulch and rock landscaping can positively impact your plants as they provide an ideal environment that leads to healthy soil. Consider outdoor materials such as:

  • Bark & mulch
    • Medium nugget barkdust
    • Playground wood chips
    • Pebble bark
    • Dark Douglas Fir barkdust
  • Decorative rocks
    • Basalt
    • Mossy rock
    • Red lava rock
    • Mountain river rock
  • Crushed rocks
    • Crushed stone
    • Pea gravel
    • Crushed Montana cobbles
    • Gravel

Prepare Your Outdoor Summer Oasis with Schlegel Barkdust

It’s the perfect time to start preparing your yard for summer. Look to Schlegel Barkdust & Landscape Supplies for all your outdoor needs. For over thirty years, Schlegel Barkdust has provided customers with quality barkdust, rock, sand, and gravel. Contact us to get started today!